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Project  3: Video Game Trailer

This project was an idea I came up with for myself, as we were asked to create a video from home while we are stuck there in quarantine. One of the suggestions was to make it relate to another class that you are doing homework for, so I chose my Game Design project. I tried using the Windows video editor for this trailer, and to be honest, I don't think I would use it again, because it just didn't quite have all the features that you would hope a video editor has. Despite that, I think it turned out okay, but I think I could have done better using better software. 

Project 2: Genre Change Video

For my second project, I chose to change the genre of a movie and make a trailer for it. I decided to use Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and make it a horror movie, with Darth Vader as the horror villain. I also tried to use classic horror film trailer elements such as flashes of black and mix of slow and fast music. 

Project 1: 5x5 Video

This project was 5 x 5 video that I created for class, where we storyboarded 5 scenes each 5 seconds long, to tell a story of our choice. I decided that my story would be playing fetch with my dog, Luke Skywalker. Because of his name, I also decided to make it Star Wars themed.

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